Saturday, January 3, 2009

the scales have fallen from mine eyes !

desperation is the mother of invention.

im going to invent a nose-glove, patent it, n make pots of money. it is a weird world.why is it that such a sensible, necessary piece of clothing has remained uninvented?socks, long-johns, gloves, scarves, mufflers, caps, sweaters, cardigans, coats, jackets, parkas, ..... u name it, we have it. why is the nose forgotten?
is this the purpose i was born to serve? am i the genius who shall save the world from nose-frostbite? am i the chosen one? the one to rid the world of frozen boogers?

perhaps i am. no wonder my hair looks like an unruly cloud after i shampoo it. now i understand the deep significance of it all. i am Einstein reincarnated. the abundant brains must be perfect hair-manure.
n here i was thinking i am sai-baba's heir apparent, all this while.


  1. did u have to tell me? did noone ever tell u that ignorance is bliss? do u deserve to be called a human?



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