Sunday, January 11, 2009

little dogs have no sense. only a lot of nonsense.

my friend the speckled fat guy/gal got into the empty plot opposite through a gap in the gate. and then discovered that he/she cannot come out. trapped. hearing his/her distressed yelps, one of his/her gallant brothers (or sisters. terrible confusion, but it is the kind of point that is referred to as a moot point, so..) leaped to the gate seperating him/her from the rest of the family. after a hurried conversation conducted in yelps and bites, he/she, with great presence of mind, wiggled in to the other side, to be greeted with an affectionate bite on the tail by the speckled sibling.

now comes the best part of the rescue drama. both the rescuer and the rescuee are trapped. the loud complaining yelps of indignation are ignored by the ma and the other biraders

the laughing hurts my head. if i try to supress it, my stomach hurts. 

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