Wednesday, January 7, 2009

internal warfare

yahoo answers and women's health zone inform me;

(underactive thyroid). This is the most common type of thyroid disorder, where the thyroid makes too little of the thyroid hormone that your body needs to function properly. It is most often caused by Hashimoto's disease. With this disease, the body's immune system (which normally protects you from disease) thinks the thyroid is a foreign invader and tries to destroy the thyroid.

Symptoms of Hypothyroidism;

Coarse, dry hair
Dry, rough pale skin
Hair loss
Cold intolerance (can't tolerate the cold like those around you)
Muscle cramps and frequent muscle aches
Memory loss
Abnormal menstrual cycles
Decreased libido
Weight gain or increased difficulty losing weight

the only ones i'm missing are the last three. on second thoughts, the only ones i can be certain of are the last two. (n to my satisfaction, it flabbergasted the tired doctor. i am going against type there.) the third-last one is in the grey area. no way to find out.
yahoo! so im not turning into an irritable ogre, after all. blame it all on the hormones.


  1. Sorry to hear about the Hypothyroidism. But you do make it sound hilarious ...almost enjoyable. How much longer do you have, Miss?

  2. long enough to get out of being a size zero, i hope. purgatory will have to wait till then.



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