Thursday, November 20, 2008

winter is officially begun. there are many little nips in the air. now no one needs to laugh at my nose sticking out of my shawl.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


i have many many new pairs of socks and as a result am very very happy.
i love socks!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

revolving resolutions of a revolutionary mind

even atlas must have shrugged sometime under all that load. i am quite certain he must have, otherwise why would that horrid woman get it into her head to write a book about strange well-muscled men cavalierly, rather moronically, carrying a minor planet relieving a slight shoulder-ache? if a half-clad greek (roman? one never knows with those incestuous long-pasters) hero whose very existance is in grave doubt can do it, so can i! i gave in to all the snide remarks about the blog gathering a lot of virtual dust.

so well.

yesterday i saw a horrible, horrible apparition. enough to make my blood run cold. enough to make each hair stand on end (even the ones not on my head). enough to make me stop short in my tracks (and also in the tracks of totally insensitive people who insisit on driving on the same road). enough to make me drop my jaw in horror (metaphorically, mind. even i am not daft enough to do so with so many people watching. allright, possibly watching). enough to make me forget all my favourite hyperboles (and that, my friend, is quite high on the horrible-o-meter).

i came face to face with potential terrors hurtling fast towards me across space and time.

i saw this being who vaguely resembled the possible result of an unfortunate union between a very cross mosquito and an even more cross stick-figure. for kindnes's sake let us call it a 'girl', and i shall henceforth, for the purposes of this peice refer to the being as a 'she'.

the word that most comes to mind while describing her would be 'sharp', followed closely by 'angular' and 'pointed'. sharp nose, sharp fingers, sharp elbows, sharp knees and i wouldn't be surprised if she had sharp eyeballs too. the next time someone spings a 'sharp featured' comment on me, i'm just going to faint away.

i dont want to go that way. no way, no way, no way.
i have made my decision and am going to stick to it now. i'll swallow all the black, gooey, dribbly, congealed messes that my mom forces down my throat in the name of tonics without a murmur, n add a beatific smile while i'm doing it. i'll put one five kilos if it kills me ....... though i can't see what use it will be then. ofcourse the obituary photo will look quite nice....

but this voice in my head cannot be shut up. i mean, the voice that keeps insisting that at the rate that i seem to down vast amouts of tar-like substances (which might actually be tar, for all i know. u can't trust these ayurvedic doctors, i'v always maintained. the 'no side effects' tag is a bit too good to be true) i must be a potential fire-hazard. i might end up spontaneously combusting even if i so much as think the word 'fire'.

oh anyway,
day-1. get-fat-quick-scheme. watch this space. milligram-by-exciting-milligram updates follow.

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