Monday, August 11, 2008

yi yam not happy

i must have been a hen in my past life. rains make me feel gloomy. feeling under the cloud all day. or is it u-know-what?

am i turning into that most horrendrous of creatures - a giggler? the gang better kill me in the most painful of ways, before i go the aishwary rai way.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


my throat feels as if there are many many many little monsters scraping at its insides with rusty razor-blades .
my eyes feel like they are on fire.
my tongue feels like sawdust.
my nose feels like it would get ripped off from all the itching.
my right ear is aching proper to fall off my head.

someone is going to pay for this!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

weird happening number god-knows-what

i yawned so widely (deeply?) that i have pulled something in my right arm. all the lost sleep is telling.
b****y painful.

Friday, August 1, 2008

kathalaya workshop

day one of the storytelling workshop by ms.geeta ramanujam from kathalaya.
i am going to use a word i hate - eye-opening. well it was, so hang me. the face, voice, eyes all are such potent tools for weaving stories that captivate and hold a child's attention. it must have been this that mom must have known instinctively all those years back, when as a young mother, she was faced with a rambunctious bundle that demanded to be entertained every moment. i remember nothing of the plots of her stories, but the sense of being very close to a comforting presence and of being tricked into swallowing umpteen balls of rice just so that the story would go on. she could make up stories as she went, and had mastered the art of stopping a story at just the point where the suspense got too much to bear. this is where she would wheedle in one more ball of rice, and i would gulp it down to speed the story along. i remember that after bro n i were a bit more grown up, we would demand to be told stories of trutles that ate moong. dont ask me why turtles, and why ones that did something so unnatural as eat moong. i'v no idea. perhaps kids are just ornery for the fun of it.
i cant wait to have my own kids. i'l try eveything i learnt here on them. after all the effort i go through to make them, they better well like it.

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