Thursday, June 18, 2009


the campus is suddenly full of little people. positively crawling.

the bus ride to school has shot up on the entertainment index, though. there is this particular small person who keeps asking every two seconds "where is daddy?" and another one, who wails heartrendingly for his mommy. on the first day, the wailer tried wailing for a full half an hour, before he threatened to hit the driver on the head if he did not take him back, pronto. the driver displayed suitable fear, and promised to take him straight back home, once the bus dropped the rest of us unfortunate people at school.
poor things. maybe they think we are kidnapping a busload of kids. silly kids, though. why would we kidnap other people's kids? decidedly second hand. we can very well have our own.

on the seat next to me sit a diminutive brother and a slightly less diminutive sister. the sister, by dint of her worldly experience of having gone to school for the last year, keeps dispensing pearls of wisdom to the brother in the lines of - there are dinoasurs in the school (i spent some time wondering about this earthshattering discovery, before i noticed one of the other little creatures point at a chameleon and yell -what else- dinosaur!) and it is better to eat one's bruch and drink all the water in the water bottle in the bus itself, so that the bag becomes easier to carry to class.

each able-bodied adult over the age of 7 is entrusted with one such weepy human being to ferry to their respective classes. all the first graders are swelling with pride at being treated as seniors, and it is a common sight to see five people hearding one kindergartener.
walking to and fro on the campus is nothing short of courting disaster. little persons keep getting under your feet all time.

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