Tuesday, June 9, 2009

June: life-threatening crisis number one

nothing is safe anymore. especially things like packing and unpacking stuff. i had always said so to whoever would listen -which not many do, bad luck for them.

among the cartons and cartons and cartons of stuff that has come to campus in the wake of the Prep team's shift here, danger lurked. and by danger, i dont mean just the danger of getting a hunchback unpacking it all. this was a danger with far more venom than the combined poison of a roomful of quietly swearing women.
anyway, to make a long story short, bhavna got bitten by a baby snake, and it was the kiss of death. not for bhavna, but for the snake. she is now in hospital under observation, and the snake is in hospital too -dead- for identification. the critter turned out to be of venomous variety, but as it was only a two day old thing, the venom is thankfully not fatal.

it is sad one can wear shoes only on one's feet. i would wear them all over myself if i could, but human anatomy being what it is, that is not possible. now the only surefire way to escape getting bitten by some punk-snake with a death wish is to stop going to the washroom altogether. for some reason, the creepy-crawlies seem to love the place. very popular snake hangout. i wonder why? what if someone unlucky got bitten? and worse, bitten in some unbandagable/undignified part of the body?
cancelling out the washroom visits is quite drastic a step, and would take away a major chunk of time i spend in intellectual musings. it is also a favourite hangout for harrassed teachers, and a vital connecting link in the unofficial underground grapevine system.

i can only hope that all the good deeds that i have done so far saves me from a fate worse than death.


  1. to the absconding one, we do read your blog. yes. promise. sometimes we have nothing intelligent to say (like today) but you just keep posting. my eyeballs have become nearly opaque with not reading anything new. the words "june:life-threatening crisis number one" have been burned so deeply into my retina that they appear as some kinda screen saver everytime i close my eyes.

  2. Nothing blogworthy in the drab, soulless existence of Vulcan Eager. Having said that, I did post a little heart-rending piece just a while ago. My writing muscles have been very restless all of today. I've even been trolling on Books again.



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