Monday, November 29, 2010

the zoo in my room

when the pest moved away for his post graduation, i rejoiced for days on end, thinking that my room would finally be my own, and that i would be freed from loud, off-key renderings of a tasteful selection of the choicest of himmesh reshammiya hits.

but in keeping with 'the best laid plans o' mice and men, gang aft a gley...' and all that jazz, my hopes were dashed against the merciless rocks of fate. little did i know that this was but the lull before the storm.

there is this thriving bee hive right under the eve of my window. the members of the colony think that my room is the most happening hot-spot in this part of town, with the hottest chick, to boot.
come evening, all of them make a bee-line (aha!) to my window and hang around buzzing to be let in. the ones who do manage to sneak in somehow, spend the rest of the night making giddy circles around the light, serenading the unresponsive beauty with buzzy ballads sung with much enthusiasm and never-ceasing effort.

the most ardent of suitors are well-versed in the casanova-style of seduction. they shun the direct 'i'll fly at you, and you fall for me' approach and try more sophisticated variations. some of the smoothest moves i've seen so far include moving in a diagonal path towards the object of adoration from the farthest corners of the room, making sure to do all sorts of impressive stunts on the way. they dip, they soar, they manfully thump their rumps against the wall, they walk backwards, they walk forwards, they fly in circles, they fly in straight lines, they lay in wait in seeming indifference and then make quick feints...all of course, with total disregard to the rightful owner of the room, trying to read her book in peace. the braves terrorize any visitors i might have, who offer interesting reactions of their own and shrieks of varying decibels and tonal qualities.   

if all this was not excitement enough, the gecko family has decided to make my room their home as well. the pater-familias (i think, though i can't be certain) keeps peeking out at me from behind the bulb and casts malevolent glances in my direction.
my traitorous mother refuses to have them swept out of the house, and has been ignoring my pleas on the grounds that they make huge dents in the insect population. i would gladly eat all the mosquitoes she can catch, if only i can be free of the specter of a yellow eye beaming malice at me.

the mother-of-mother is a kindred spirit. i suppose a supari offer is in the offing. an offer she cannot refuse.a weeks-worth of smuggled in sweets in exchange of the dirty deed.

why must such tragedies be visited upon me? my only refuge from the madding crowds invaded. tragedy of 9.99 magnitude.

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