Thursday, November 25, 2010

i need a frog to croak with

a cold is an interesting affliction to develop. it gives one ample opportunities to study life's vagaries.
the progression thus far has been hugely interesting, if at a little personal cost.

day before yesterday, my voice was slightly husky. very bette davis. if i had someone to smoulder at, i'd have made a very convincing vamp, if one were able to ignore the runny eyes.
then yesterday, it got a little heavier. more rani mukherjee. still, not too bad, i consoled myself.

now here i am, ready to play the star part in the 'princess and the frog' remake.

not everyone is sad though. in fact, except my own miserable self, i don't see anyone upset about this domestic tragedy.
the representatives of two previous generations who share my dwelling with me are almost apoplectic with glee. short of rubbing their hands together and doing a jig, they are displaying every sign of utmost happiness. in the name of medicine, the geneva code is being violated randomly and 'we are older so we know better' is being thrown at me at every waking moment.
in these past hours, i've drowned various monstrosities, out of which the omelet from hell takes the cake. it had strange green bits in it and refused to let itself be swallowed. i made the fatal error of pointing out the lack of salt and pepper in it, and now am faced with a bowl of pepper powder drowned in honey.

even the announcement that i shall pay them back when they are senile and at my mercy has no effect.

if i live to tell the tale, i shall tell some very horrid tales indeed.

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