Friday, November 6, 2009

the (un)holy state

all my friends persist in being ardent advocates of matrimony. like it is some giant exclusive club they are dying to join. more is the horror, they would do anything to drag me into the quagmire as well.
members' benefits - exciting conversations about the lord-and-master's eating habits, sleeping habits, working habits, spending habits and bathroom habits. why do they imagine for a moment that such fascinating details could be of absorbing interest to their unmarried friends? do my glassy stare, tapping foot, yawns and frequent peeks at the watch convey anything else? i think i need one of those workshops on body language. or perhaps, i could take a cue from my old deaf cousin great-grandfather and shout 'it is all nonsense. NONsense' at them.

what is the point? i get told - companionship, children, some one to look after one in one's old age, social acceptance...
companionship is plenty. all around. if one is a self-sufficient individual one does not lack it. or else, simply cultivate a reading habit. that banishes a want for company.
children? adoption is not a crime, surely? why go through all the horror?
support in old age - what a selfish notion. abhorrent. does one have kids just so they can be effective pay cheques in the future?
social acceptance - why bother? why bother at all?

today i got told that i am to lose one more to the marriage-mafia.
my poor, silly, optimistic friend. why, oh why are women so silly?

i live in dread of the other shoe dropping. may it not.



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