Wednesday, November 4, 2009

monthly strange event number-1

i somehow managed to cut a deep gash on my left foot's big toe by accidentally getting it under the leg of the chair that i was sitting on. being hungry and sleep deprived does not help matters at all. i spent a good minute wondering exactly what place hurt, and what exactly i should do to make it better. slow, slow reflexes.
after making sure that i wasn't about to cry or something equally silly, everyone else proceeded to robustly make fun of me. unkind people.

ah well. the mind above matter thing works, after all. i can now forget entirely that i have a big toe on my left foot, let alone one that hurts like hell.

i certainly don't mind spilling a little blood, but i wish my injuries were a little more heroic than this.

saw off shr tonight. the family i got to choose.
can't say goodbyes convincingly. hate letting people go.

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