Saturday, May 16, 2009


everybody who thought i was dead - i am not. very much alive and kicking everyone in sight.

i miss the mountains. never mind the fact that when i was in them, my toes were threatening to freeze altogether off my poor hypothyroidic feet, and i had to shroud my glorious (ok, ok, to me at least) figure under all the pieces of clothing that i possessed. most of us would have given anything for pre-warmed toilet seats - even waiting with bated breath (and other bated things, besides) to be the last in line to answer Ma Nature's incessant and totally ill-timed calls. i have marked my trail across some of the most beauteous spots across the place in true wild-child tradition. some poor animal is going to be very very confused.

she-who-refuses-to-divulge-her-age made one interesting discovery - if one tinkles in fresh snow, it does not leave a tell-tale stain! interesting addition to the sum total of human knowledge. now i dont know for certain if the tinkle leaves a similar trail of non-odour and non-taste. i did not possess the moral courage to ask her if she had subjected the insulted snow to test on those counts too, for fear of getting an answer that might make living in the same room difficult.

of course i did other things too, besides. too lazy to type right now.

1 comment:

  1. i know why!! iknowwhy!!!!! you see, the "tinkle" is at body temperature. so, it melts the snow and freshly fallen snow being loosely packed (i think) allows the melted stuff along with your stuff to simply seep through. now you see?

    you should share this the class sometime... or give it as an assignment!!! how exciting!!!!!!!



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