Monday, March 30, 2009

kyon? kyon? aakhir kyon?

i am doing so much early-birding nowadays, that soon all the worms will end up(down) my gullet.

my increased state of awareness raises some hitherto unasked questions in my bosom (by me, that is. i am sure that dastardly Shakespeare must have already gone and asked them, and done it a lot posher too) (and yes, i have one)


now that i know why men have earlobes, and that the greatest recorded length for ear-hair is a staggering 4.5 inches (which, by the way, is a record held by a teacher in India - some teacher, that!), and various other unmentionables -this is a family blog, for those in doubt. we publish only those things that anyone can watch on prime-time K-serials. which, includes tame things like multiple marriages, mothers who look younger than their grand kids, flash divorces, extramarital affairs by the dozen, illegitimate children, poisoning, stabbing, shooting, seducing, vamping, people who get reborn/plastic surgeried with alarming regularity, and other such traditions closely in keeping with the values of our traditional tradition- it still throws me into knots of bafflement why men don't listen or see. except of course things like sports/women/cars/women/bikes/women.

why is it so difficult for the human male to locate a sock that is staring belligerently at him out of his own cupboard shelf? why does he feel the need to repeat "where is my sock" in all permutations and combinations of decibels and levels of urgency, descending to desperation, untill some sensible pair of female hands stuffs them obligingly down his throat?

why do they invariably go and buy matchsticks when you ask for butter and act surprised you aren't grateful for the help?


  1. It is thought that counts. Matchsticks or butter, they're both of some use in the kitchen, right? What gives, Grumpy Girl?

  2. wrong.matchsticks cannot be eaten.and for someone who cannot cook any other delicacy except boiled water,lack of butter can be fatal.
    my brother is my punishment.i am paying through the nose.

  3. Boiled water is my favorite delicacy. Yummy!!

  4. You should try Butter Chicken with just two drops of my favorite delicacy. Effing (i.e. finger-licking... obviously) delicious!

  5. Today, I was told about a girl blogger who managed to get a book published by Penguin. The blog is called "Compulsive Confessor" and the book is called "You Are Here". (Where are you?)



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