Thursday, October 21, 2010

on clocks and inspiration

the most beautiful things in the world are the most useless ones. take diamonds, for example or rainbows.

by the same count, if the measure of true beauty is utter and total uselessness, then i have something that should be a joy forever. the lovely clock that i won as a giveaway on all the purchases i made at the annual scholastic book fair at school is refusing to either tick or toc. it has a second-hand that is refreshingly original - it moves anti-clockwise. its other two hands are truly worthy of greeting a teacher's bleary morning-eye. they move at a sedate and dignified pace in any direction they like.

all this is hugely inspiring.
every morning, in the midst of the daily race against time, made more exciting these days after the arrival of The Clock With an Attitude, i find lots of inspiration. yesterday i got inspired to be radical and swim against the tide, and today the inspiration to be sedate and dignified dawned on me. for tomorrow, i am already inspired to fill every minute with sixty seconds of distance run.

totally plebian people like my mom fail to grasp the import of the revolution taking place in my room every morning right before my bus is about to arrive. if gobbling an egg, downing a mug of milk, combing a lot of hair and wearing glasses in five mintues is not proof of my increased state of enlightenment, what is?

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting write up.. Never thought of beauty in that manner. But then again beauty is not universal, our perceptions of thinking what is beauty are (becoz of what is taught to us is to follow not to question). Same with Inspiration.



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