Sunday, March 28, 2010

a very hungry -or blind- gecko

the fever is doing funny things to me.
my hands and feet feel too far away to be of any use and my head feels like a ton of bricks. the throat feels as if mean little monsters with a particular grouse against me are scraping away at the inside with broken nails. i sneeze with such violence that i am blinded and disoriented for seconds afterward.

to redeem the day, one funny thing happened. funny for me, that is.
a gecko bit mom.

now geckos don't, as a rule, bite. this was one gecko that did not know the golden rule. mom feels something funny on her big toe and looks down to see this gecko repeatedly biting into it with much vim and vigor. when she awoke sufficiently from her shocked silence, she let out a yelp, which the attacker mistook for a war-cry, and promptly took evasive action. she is now excusing away her total cowardice by saying that the poor gecko probably mistook her toe for lunch.

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