24 happy little people rushing out of the class to shout hello and give hi-fives is no ordinary welcome. it is a good thing that teachers of little people and mothers have arms like the law - very long. long enough gladly, to expand to hug very many little people at the same time, while simultaneously rapping a few on the head.
i walk over nicely wilted flower petals to the door.
i'm instructed to close my eyes and get pushed into the classroom by encouraging hands. on getting permission, i open my eyes into a bouquet staring me in the eye and
welcome back on all the writing surfaces. everyone has been hard at work.
they must be indeed glad to see me back. they volunteered the supreme sacrifice of foregoing 5 minutes of their much-awaited sports class to complete an essay.
royal welcome, or what.
if home is where the heart is, then this is home. i am home and i am happy.