Saturday, October 17, 2009


there are crackers going off incessantly outside, and the sky is lit by flares and fountains of light. old age must be catching up with me. spent the entire day reading in bed. it is celebration of a sort, i guess.

at any rate, i am not all dolled up like amitabh bachchan on the Big Boss show in something pink, emboidered and feminine. perhaps the dress was generously lent to him by that doyen of high fashion faux pas, the newest addition to the family, mrs. rai-bachchan.

i don't understand men who wear pink, much less geriatric men who wear embroidered pink - with a matching pink embroidered stole! that is taking metrosexuality a bit too far, in my opinion.

he is going batty in his dotage. i took a poll. the family and i much rather prefer shilpa shetty and her marvelous curves gracing the Big Boss screen.

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