a stroll through scented, glazed, hazy twilight air. an everyday magic, a rare blessing.
"what is it that they are saying to each other? all of them talking all at once. arguing about where to go bug-hunting for dinner? i'm hungry, hungry, hungry. let's go eat, eat, eat. fast, fast, fast?"
"maybe not. maybe it is just the familiar family-sharing of conjugal trivialities. i-did-this, i-saw-this, i-ate-this, i-smelled-this, i-fled-from-this-huge-kite....look what i go through for you and the kids! do i get any appreciation?"
"haha. yes. perhaps. also then, the kids have been cawing their heads off all day, they really pick my brains, what do you care? you are off all day gallivanting! i am the one who is stuck with them the whole livelong day! and who gets to be the authoritarian villain? me, that's who! and who gets to be the savior who comes home with the bugs and ruins all the hard-enforced discipline? you!! that's who!! sometimes i think i should just up and fly and leave you and the blasted brood. oh, if only i had accepted that nice fellow who had been trying so hard to impress me in the spring. i had to go and pick you! and what do i get for all my sacrifices? for being a dutiful wife and mother? do i get any appreciation? no, no, no, no!!!"

"hmmm.., how they go on! they seem to be yelling their heads off."
"see that? fruit bats. this is a regular housing colony."